A floor drain is a plumbing fixture that removes groundwater or dirty runoff from floors and other surfaces. They come in different shapes and sizes, and can be made from plastic, stainless steel, or iron.
The drains are typically round or square with a cover or grate to keep out large debris. They also include a trap to prevent foul-smelling sewer gas from entering your home or business.
Clogging Issues
One of the most common problems with a floor drain is that it can get clogged up with dirt, debris, and hair. When this happens, the drain is harder to clean out, and water can back up into your home or business.
Sewer backwater valves are often installed with a floor drain to help prevent waste water from flowing into your home when the sewer line overflows or is backed up. Having a drain vent installed with the drain is another option that can help prevent this from happening.
What to Look For In A Drain?
A drain vent is a piece of equipment that allows air to flow into the floor drain. This is important because it helps to ensure that the airflow is balanced correctly so that there is no vacuum or suction created in the drain.
Cleaning a Clogged Floor Drain
If your drain is clogged, you should clean it out immediately. This can make a big difference in how well it works, and whether or not it is still effective in removing water from your home or business.